We would like to take this moment to thank My Main Street for including us in the 2024 round of business grant funding for the Storefront Revitalization Grant. This grant is extremely important to help keep main street shopping a vital part of city culture and life.
We were able to utilize the funding to purchase more machines for our business, and off-set our marketing costs that we spend throughout the year attending shows like FanExpo (See you in August!) and hiring talented photographers to help showcase our amazing work.
We do wish that government support was more readily available, however, to help unique businesses like ours in off-setting the ever increasing costs of raw materials for manufacturing in our atelier. One of the biggest challenges businesses like ours faces is trying to remain competitive on a global scale against the brutality of fast fashion and we need to call upon our government to step in and help subsidize manufacturing. Thankfully, by helping to support our machinery and marketing, we can off-set these costs somewhat.